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With the Master 7 DAC these improvements are all hallmarks of lower jitter on the input source. Tim claims even better performance after run-in but can easily notice a difference out of the box. Very pleased! Your email address will not be published. This will support the newest OS for Sonore Urendu full dsd native! SU-1 is the first machine we have developed equipment that is positioned in the high-end interface, is used mainly in the following three main technologies: 1, full isolation technology ground isolation , the use of Mbps full-chip isolation, interference can be completely isolated from the PC; 2, source synchronous shaping technology and CPLD technology, I2S signal isolation after the re-shaping; thus eliminating the isolation chip to bring added jitter; 3, the independent development of the system clock, using CRYSTEK high-performance oscillator, low phase noise and low jitter.
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